Shroud of the Avatar Trusted Trader
Markee Dragon Game Codes is a business partner and Trusted Trader with Portalarium. You can make purchases from us with confidence!
Items listed here in this category are no longer available directly from Portalarium or have been acquired from other players and can be transferred to your ownership.
All deliveries that require meeting in game will be made at the Brittney Central Bank. If delivery needs to be made at a different location for things such as placed property we will meet you at the bank or banker in that town.
Feel free to email us with any pre purchase questions. We will be happy to answer anything you wish to know.
Do you have an account or items to sell? Contact us. Let us know what you have . Please provide any details you can and we will give you a quote.
Check out our "Want To Buy" items list here!
TT Shroud of the Avatar Fountain of Frozen Waters
TT Shroud of the Avatar White Flower Topiary Bear Statue
TT Shroud of the Avatar White Flower Topiary Satyr Statue
TT Shroud of the Avatar Large Spooky Fountain
TT Shroud of the Avatar Darkstarr Moondial
TT Shroud of the Avatar Isabelline Stone 2-Tier Outdoor Fountain
TT Shroud of the Avatar Viking Wooden Fence Pack
$7.00 $6.00
TT Shroud of the Avatar - Ornate Rusted Iron Fence Pack
TT Shroud of the Avatar Ornate Carmine Wooden Fence
TT Shroud of the Avatar Obsidian Order Paver Set
$7.00 $6.00
TT Shroud of the Avatar Darkstarr Clock Tower
TT Shroud of the Avatar Bone White Pavers
$9.00 $7.00
TT Shroud of the Avatar Black Ice Elemental Statue
TT Shroud of the Avatar Black Ice Building Block Set
$11.00 $9.00
TT Shroud of the Avatar Coyote Gray Cobblestone Pavers
TT Shroud of the Avatar Yew Tree
$25.00 $15.00
TT Shroud of the Avatar Ornate Wooden Hot Tub
TT Shroud of the Avatar Angled Roof Greenhouse ( 3 Pack)
TT Shroud of the Avatar Giant Obsidian Order Pavers Set
TT Shroud of the Avatar Rustic Fish Paver Set
$8.00 $7.00
TT Shroud of the Avatar Giant Fish Paver Set
TT Shroud of the Avatar Fire Elemental Statue
TT Shroud of the Avatar Round Palapa
TT Shroud of the Avatar Construction Decoration Set
TT Shroud of The Avatar - Stone Crypt
TT Shroud of the Avatar Kobold Wind Power Generator
Official Website:
Official SotA Forums: Shroud of the Avatar Forums
SotA TT Items Redemption Process:
Deliveries will be made via the In game Mail system.
You will first receive an email from us to confirm your character's In Game Name.
After confirming the receiving character, you will be sent an in game mail containing your purchase from our store character. The Title of the mail will include your purchase Reference Number.
You can collect your purchase at any bank mailbox, or a personally owned mailbox in game.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at
-- Listings Below This Point are Out of Stock --
TT Shroud of the Avatar Dead Hedge Fence Set
TT Shroud of the Avatar Cinereous Stone 2-Tier Outdoor Pedestal Fountain
$9.00 $7.00
TT Shroud of the Avatar Wishing Well
TT Shroud of the Avatar Ice Hot Tub
TT Shroud of the Avatar Edelmann Birdbath
TT Shroud of the Avatar Ancients Statue Set
TT Shroud of the Avatar Rough Wooden Fence
TT Shroud of the Avatar Oracle Guardian Statue
$35.00 $15.00